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Join us Sunday Morning  
Sunday school @9  worship service @11

 Worship With Us 


sunday school

Adult Sunday School


Light Breakfast @ 9am


Afterwards, please join us for Sunday School-

The elders are leading us through the gospel of Matthew in a teaching and discussion format. Please avail yourselves of this opportunity to grow together in God’s word and in

community with each other


Children’s Sunday School and Choir with Matt and Roberta 

A confirmation class, every other week, for our

children who wish to be baptized and join the church.

For the younger kids, we are going through the Bible (in Genesis right now) and working on the Children’s Catechism. And the kids of all ages are working on special songs for our worship services.

worship service

We worship with a blend of modern and traditional songs and Hymns 

check out our Spotify playlist to hear some songs we do on Sunday morning


Pastor Matt teaches a brief "Kids Word" for the children at the

beginning of each sermon


*nursery is available  for infants during the service after the KidsWord

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QUINCY, FL 32351

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